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The Non-Return Rig Slider enables the land-based angler (pier, jetty, beach) to cast a sinker out (we recommend a large wired surf sinker) and then attach a Slider to the main line, and slide out a large bait.


This process enables much larger baits to be deployed, compared to trying to cast a large bait and sinker together. Using a Non-Return Rig Slider is the best way to deploy a shark, game fish, redfish, tarpon, snapper live or dead bait from a pier, rocks, surf, cliff or elevated jetty. The non-return design stops the slider from working its way back up the line.


This non-weighted version is great for calm conditions and mid-level or surface-orientated live or dead baits. Comes in a two pack with extra large, solid stopper rings for the end of the rig so the slider can't pass over the end of the terminal tackle.

Non-Return Rig Sliders + Rig Rings - Pier, Jetty, Shark, Surf Fishing - 2 pack

Only 9 left in stock

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