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Tanago Match Hooks are high-quality fishing hooks - offset with a wide gape, Ultra-sharp straight point and micro barb - in sizes 1/0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8.


They're perfect for light to medium surf, pier, boat, jetty and inshore fishing with bait and small artificial baits for all sorts of species and techniques in saltwater.


Cox and Rawle Tanago Match Hooks are made from an extremely high grade of steel and are the hooks we rely on for many of our guiding and outfitting businesses for targeting any surf and inshore species on bait - corbina, surf perch, spotfin croaker, yellowfin croaker, halibut, bass and similar game fish on bait or grubs.


The best sizes of Cox and Rawle Mutsu Circle Hook to use for the following species:


1/0 & 1 - Perfect hook for bait and wait tactics for spotfin croaker, yellowfin croaker, corbina, saltwater bass, small rays, surf perch, shovelnose, halibut. Great for baits like mussels, clam, big worms, large sand crabs, squid strips, ghost shrimp - or large 2-3 inch artificial grubs and plastic baits for surf perch.


2  & 4 - Great all-round surf fishing hooks for targeting surf perch, croaker, corbina, shovelnose and similar species using sand crabs, grubs, bloodworm, sandworms, gulp sandworm baits and small chunks of mussel, clam and squid.


6 & 8 - The best corbina surf fishing hooks bar none - a definite upgrade on an Owner Mosquito in our opinion. Size 6 is a great hook for using medium size softshell sand crabs or small chunks of shrimp for corbina or bonefish fishing, the size 8 is great for wary corbina in shallow water when small bunches of sand crabs work well. Works great for surf perch and croaker too.

Tanago Match Hooks (sizes 8 to 1/0) Surf Saltwater Fishing Hooks


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