Bait and Wait Surf Fishing Rigs, Baits, Setups, Sputnik Sinkers, Bait Elastic (magic thread)
Welcome to the dedicated shop page for bait and wait surf fishing rigs, surf fishing sinkers, baits and tackle proven to catch lots of fish in saltwater on the West and East Coast - from surf perch and bass, to croaker and whiting.
Try a Double Dropper Loop for all-round surf fishing in California, a Croaker Rig for targeting Yellowfin and Spotfin Croaker, or a Single Dropper Loop baited with Fishbites, bloodworm or shrimp for surf perch, corbina and croaker.
Make sure you get proper wired sinkers and light bait elastic, too.
If you're looking for more information on the best rigs, tackle, rods, sinkers, baits, and tides for static bait fishing in the surf, check out these detailed articles written by a professional guide:
Best Baits for Surf Fishing: How to Find, Use and Rig Sand Crabs (Sand Fleas) for Surf Fishing Bait
Surf Fishing California Tips: Baits, Rigs, Setups, Rods and Tackle for every West Coast species
Yellowfin Croaker Fishing Ultimate Guide - Bag & Size Limit, Bait, Tips, Rigs + Setups for Croaker
Surf Fishing Weights: Complete Guide to Sinkers for Surf, Beach, Shark, Jetty and Pier Fishing